A blog of my OCA printmaking level 1 coursework


Hi. My name is Angie. I’m a 40 something year old who was feeling trapped in a job which was not fullfilling me. I decided to do something about it. I have always had a love of textiles and art but I lacked the opportunities in the past to take my hobbies to the next level. I looked around on the web for possible correspondence courses and I found out about an organisation called the open college of the arts. The OCA would allow me to learn part-time towards a BA hons degree in the creative arts. I have already completed my first course which was a level one course called ’Textiles a creative approach’. The course took me 18 months to complete but I now have my first 40 learning points towards my degree, only 320 to go. 😮

I am currently undertaking my second course ‘An introduction to printmaking’ and this is my learning log. Textiles is my main interest but I need to cover a variety of subjects for the degree and printmaking sounded interesting. I will be recording my learning highs and lows, my thoughts on the assignments and also the methods and techniques that I use.

Feel free to view my assignments, there will be 5 in all, but If you leave any comments please be nice. Angie

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